Interior Design - Best Design Ideas For Split | Level Homes

Interior Design - Best Design Ideas For Split | Level Homes

the house had a very strong

architectural flavor built in 1973 open

spaces big entertainment spaces the

openness of it was very very appealing

to me I had a very clear almost

immediate vision of what I wanted the

ultimate feel to be I had to respect the

architectural boundaries that I was

working within but I needed to bring my

antiquities so to speak my elements of

history to really make it mine I've

always been a visual person I would not

say that I've always known that I wanted

to do this kind of work but I think I've

been blessed or cursed with what one

might call it greedy eye if I don't

always have something new to look at I

become a little grumpy so I'm always

looking at things whether it's ugly

worn out distasteful spectacular it's

always feeding my emotion so when I'm

doing design work for my clients using

my eyes and my vision and my mental

repository things that I've looked at

always guides me

my favorite space to relaxing is

probably the living room because there's

a comfortable coach it's not a

structured environment there's

free-floating furniture that almost

borders on art pieces and then the

fireplace one of the reasons why about

the home in the first place was that it

had a working wood burning fireplace and

it became the starting point for the

rest of the house so there's a lot of

natural elements in here elements that

speak to a rural as opposed to an urban

setting and then the house demanded what

other pieces I should bring to it which

were a little more modern a little more

urban so it's quite a blend of both

scenarios on my trips overseas for work

I had seen a trend that had emerged in

Paris and that was sort of mosaics

bohemian qualities to hard surfaces in

particular tiles and Patricia aqualia

designed this tile background that was a

complexity of different colors and

elements together and stone tile had

this tile on display and I fell in love

with it when I thought of my design for

the kitchen I knew immediately that was

the tile I was going to use a lot of the

pieces were basically thieved for my

store so it became a new show space so

to speak for pieces that I loved

something I'll always make room for in

my home wherever I am is likely my

collection of books their historical

they represent a life in transition so

they change as you change and you have

an intimate relationship with them my

personal point of view on design begins

with the architecture because that's the

envelope that you're working within so

ultimately you have to respect that and

the hardest part was the compromise I

had to make in terms of space so

although the living room the lower

lounge the kitchen all integrate in a

very sort of illuminating way I did have

to compromise on my space in my master

bedroom and my ensuite the master

bedroom is not overly large and neither

was the ensuite and because of the multi

levels in the house I couldn't get space

from anywhere else so I adopted sort of

a theme that I had seen in higher-end

hotels which was integrating the ensuite

with the master bedroom I cheated and I

took out a wall and I made it part of

the closet space and I daringly stepped

the bathroom inside the master bedroom

and it worked I'm always changing things

and my personal spaces are never done I

sort of feel that you create a little

more energy when you move objects or

artwork around and I like to do that

it's fun it keeps things fresh so I

could describe my home in one

what would that be Wow

could I say multicultural I would say

that because number one it spans time

boundaries and number two because

there's elements in here from all over

the world I think it's a happy blend and

I would call it multicultural

Interior Design - Best Design Ideas For Split | Level Homes Interior Design - Best Design Ideas For Split | Level Homes Reviewed by laguenak on Juli 22, 2018 Rating: 5

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